Agent’s Alquist Proft, Kaya, & Kellan are on the job! Magic’s unique take on the classic mystery genre starts Friday through Saturday with sealed format events! Friday 6PM Sealed, Saturday 11AM Sealed, Saturday 6PM Two-Headed Giant. $30 per event but presign up for all three and take $15 off ($5 per tournament).


In a city that needs investigating, you’re the one on the job. Find out who committed the murders at Karlov Manor … before you become their next victim.

This set introduces the new Play Booster (Draft and Collectible Boosters are no longer produced):


The fan-favorite Petries tradition returns Saturday the 15th at 6PM with all of the games & goodies that you’ve come to expect. The Couple’s Dessert is back, complete with the cake, chocolate and two-player games that have built this nearly 15 year tradition.

The Dessert was started in 2010 as a way to bring a romantic twist to board gaming couples. Game instructors roam the room while you indulge in your choice of cheese cake or carrot cake, as well as many other self-serve treats. We highlight the best in two-player games, and a few other games that are also “good at 2”, while you spend time with your favorite person.

Tickets are on sale now at $30 per couple. Call the store or stop by today to reserve your spot.

This is an Adults only event

As many of you know, Friday Night Magic (or FNM) is a staple for most game stores. But we wanted to give our players a little bit more.

Starting in December, we began a monthly league which went really well. So we’re going to continue. Each time you attend and play you rack up points which can qualify you for promos, in-store prizes, Magic product and more. The grand prize is given to the top player each month, and we have some great items lined up.

This January, we’ll be giving away the Silverquill Statement Commander deck plus many other promos and prizes!

Starting in January we are also adding a semi-frequent Magic Standard league on Saturday nights. We have a few tentative dates, so be watching our calendar for specifics. February 10th is our planned start date for the alternate Standard night starting at 6PM.

Don’t forget we still have our Lawnmower Elves Commander League every Tuesday at 6PM too!

We hope that you’ll find more of an excuse to continue playing Magic at Petrie’s through these new additions. See you soon!

Secret Lives of Gingerbread Men is back, along with other new & old role playing greats!

In Secret Lives of Gingerbread Men, make a real-life cookie and use it as your playable character. Two sessions will be run and we need to fill out this table, so if sugar, eating, creativity and story telling are your thing, come give it a try!

There are plenty of other titles to choose from too! Come in at 10 and 2 for a different game and play all day!

Morning Sessions starting at 10AM:

-Secret Life of Gingerbread

-My Little Pony

-Shadow Dark

-Candela Obscura


Afternoon Sessions begin around 2PM

-Secret Life of Gingerbread


-Old School Essentials


-Doctor Who


Due to previous scheduling commitment, Jackals won’t be until 3pm

KEYFORGE IS THE INNOVATIVE CARD GAME where every deck is a unique combination of cards! No other player will ever wield the same KeyForge deck. Wielding a unique 36-card deck, assuming the role of a powerful Archon, players seeks to maneuver creatures and artifacts from three allied houses to accumulate enough Æmber to forge the vital Vault Keys.
The player to first forge three keys wins!  Will it be you?

When Keyforge broke onto the scene, it was yet another break through for celebrated game designer Richard Garfield. Using a unique algorhytm, the game centered on a full deck that was unique in all of it’s make up, including an orginal deck name and design on the back of the cards, so that collecting and secondary markets were no longer a centerpoint, which is what had happened to so many other collectible card games, include THE card game that had made Garfield royalty in the gaming world.

It featured a great combative playstyle but not one with life points and agressive or defensive elements, but instead it was based more on the race of getting to three keys being forged before the opponent. While combat was a necessary component, it was simply a means to slow down any engine-building that your opponent may be using to propel themeselves ahead in the race.

Top it all off with witty titles, cute and colorful artwork, astounding themes… keyforge was breaking into the card game scene with a solution for any gamer tired of the money-grab strategies of the card game market.

And then it happened…

Something broke the algorhythm.

Keyforge suddenly stopped producing, and while world events were definitely playing a part in it, the concensus was that the design element that made keyforge unique was what actually undermined it’s ongoing production.

Fast forward a few years and bring in the previous owner of Fantasy Flight Games, the company originally repsonsible for bringing Keyforge to the market. Christian started a new company and it’s first mission… bring back Keyforge.

The day is finally here and Keyforge is back on the market. With new innovations and a chance to tweak minor imperfections from the previous sets, the new release for Keyforge was met with overwhelming support in a crowd funding project that has succeeded in launching Keyforge back into the collectible card game market. This game is perfect for new card players and experienced card players alike, this completely original card game is getting it’s time at the table once again at Petrie’s every 2nd, 4th, and 5th Thursdays at 5:30. If you don’t have a deck, we have plenty for you to use and learn.

We believe strongly in this game at PFG and we want to share it with you. There’s really no way to fully explain it’s immersive fun until you’ve actually experienced it yourself. Bring you family, bring yourself, do whatever it takes to show up and let Aaron and the Keyforge group show you what it’s all about.

See you there!

I am excited to announce Pathfinder and Starfinder on April 8th. We will run a Pathfinder 2nd Edition game at 10:30 AM and a Starfinder game at 2:30 PM. Each game session is 4 hours.

Please Note: There have been substantial changes to the PFS2E Organizational Play. Please review the following link to familiarize yourself with these changes and the impact they may have to your character. Pathfinder Society (Second Edition) Guide to Organized Play

Things to keep in mind:

– Please be cognizant of your fellow Society Agents – while masks are not required it will be a table decision – meaning if one member feels unsafe in an unmasked situation, please have your mask available and be prepared to wear them at the table. To make people feel more comfortable this will be a blind census.
– Please don’t attend the game if you feel ill.
– Any other concerns about this please contact me via PM.

We need GMs! Please send me a message to volunteer!

Just a reminder:
-The games start promptly at 10:30AM and 2:30 PM, please be early for the game so we can avoid having the games run over the time scheduled.
-Please post a message on the thread for the game with your “REAL NAME” so I know who to put on the sign up.
-Please sign up right away as room is limited, if something changes, you can always cancel.
-Please do not HOT SWAP tables.
-If we do not get early interest in the game, it is in danger of being cancelled. We need a minimum of 2 Players for a game to go off. Please check the day of the game to make sure it is happening.
-Any sign ups on the day of the game (Saturday) may not get a slot at the table but do show up. We will always try to fit you into a game!
-GMs: if you need to cancel, let me know ASAP so I can find a replacement!
-If you want a game scheduled, please ask!


10 AM Pathfinder 2E Scenario
Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-05 The Arclord Who Never Was (1-4)

GM: Everett Morrow

2 PM Starfinder Scenario
Starfinder Society Scenario #3-09 Frozen Ambitions: Freeing the Herd (1-4)

GM: Everett Morrow


One of the most cherised Petrie’s traditions returns after a 3 year break! February 18th at 5PM, The Couple’s Dessert is back, complete with the cake, chocolate and two-player games that have built this nearly 13 year tradition.

TheDessert was started in 2010 as a way to bring a romantic twist to board gaming couples. Instructors on games roam the room while your choice of cheese cake or carrot cake is served to your table. We highlight the best in two-player games, and a few other games that are also “good at 2” but not exclusively 2-player only titles, while you spend time with your favorite person.

Tickets are on sale now and are $40 per couple. Call the store or stop by today to reserve your spot.

Starting with Thanksgiving next week, the whirlwind of special days and closures begin. 2021 is unusual in the number of events that happen over a weekend. Since events will be impacted, we wanted you to be prepared.

Next week for Thanksgiving, we’re closing early at 3PM on Wednesday November 24th. We’ll be closed all day on November 25th, but we’ll be back at normal open on Friday the 26th.

For December we’ll have regular store hours until Monday the 20th when we’ll be opening for a special Monday shopping day, 12:30 to 6PM. Our staff is going to take a well deserved break from December 24th through December 26th.

Finally, for New Years we traditionally do our year-end inventory, so we’ll be closing early on January 1 at 3PM and will be closed all day Sunday the 2nd.

As for sales and special events, we’ll be posting those to our social media channels, on, text messages, and future newsletters. We want to make this season fun and exciting for you with specials you won’t see anywhere else in town!

Thanks for making 2021 a great year and we look forward to serving you further into 2022!



Nov 24 – Closed at 3PM (Wed)
Nov 25 – Closed all Day (Thur)
Dec 24 – Closed all Day (Fri)
Dec 25 – Closed all Day (Sat)
Dec 26 – Closed all Day (Sun)
Jan 1 – Closed at 3PM (Sat)
Jan 2 – Closed all Day (Sun) (Inventory)

In the board game world there are a lot of variations of styles play. Heavy gamers, players that want to think or solve puzzles, tend to shy away from something that has a loose end-goal or ambiguous rules. On the flip side, players that want to laugh and get to know other people can be repelled by something that requires an hour of rules explanation and will create an atmosphere where players barely speak to each other because “they’re thinking.”

It’s a rare gem when a party game can still maintain the ‘party’ atmosphere, but still challenge creativity and problem solving without giving in to trivia that we all know Grandpa will win at anyway. That’s why Petrie’s has always been a big fan of Wing It by Flying Leap Games. Flying Leap as a whole is producing titles that push players to think, challenge and discuss ideas in fun and engaging ways that don’t feel dumbed down.

The quick idea is that you have several items at your disposal and you have a problem to solve. If you were facing this problem and only had three of these five items, how would you come out in the end? It’s your chance to be your own MacGyver!

Wing It, at its core, is not new in game mechanics. There are many games that are similar where cards are used to compare to other cards and then the randomness that ensues creates a joke or a talking point. But Wing It doesn’t rely on the randomness so much as it uses randomness as a weapon to brandish out of the box solutions. And it does so without ostracizing anyone in the family. Smaller kids can still use their imagination and tell stories while older players can choose to come up with viable solutions. The seriousness of a single game can be tailored for the group.

Flying Leap Games has an on-line version of Wing It that you can access by visiting the Flying Leap Games website, and then clicking “Play Wing It (for FREE!) Online.” Additionally, follow our Facebook or Instagram, and we’ll be posing various Wing It challenges throughout the summer for you to solve.

Come check out Wing It and Flying Leap Games’ other title The Million Dollar Doodle where players collaboratively create funny, weird products, and then pitch them to each other to win a million dollar investment!* Just another example of Flying Leap Games’ mission to bring you easy to understand games that create challenge and relationship building opportunities.


* money not included.

In 2020 we looked for the best games for distance gaming & replayability for all ages. These were titles that passed several tests for families and individuals in quarantine. Are they easy to explain to non-gamers? Do they have a broad age range appeal? Is there replayability—meaning, does the game have a puzzle element that brings a player back to better their own scores or previous successes? And does it have a good solitaire or two-player appeal?

Over the next several months we’ll be revealing those to you that checked off a large portion of our credentials.

Second Chance, from Stronghold Games, plays well over Zoom, is easily taught to young gamers and non-gamers alike, and has a wide player count from solitaire all the way to 6 players. And it plays in only 15 minutes, so that leaves plenty of time to play it multiple times in one sitting. Each player starts with a 9×9 grid that they want to fill as completely as possible. To begin the game, everyone receives a different card with a starting tile and marks off its spaces on their grid.

Every turn, two puzzle tile cards are revealed, and each player chooses one of them, then marks off squares on their personal grid that match the shape of the image shown on their chosen card. Multiple players can choose the same card. If a player cannot fit either revealed shape into their grid, they get a second chance and reveal one card from the deck just for them. If they can fit this shape in their grid, they do continue normally next round; otherwise, they are eliminated from play.

The game ends when all players have been eliminated, the deck of puzzle cards has run out, or a player has completely filled their grid. If someone has filled their grid, they win. If all players have been eliminated or the deck ran out of cards, then whoever has the fewest empty spaces wins.

All through April, spend $60 in one visit & receive a copy of Second Chance free! This offer cannot be combined with any other offer, credit, or discount and is limited to one per customer, one per visit. The offer ends once supplies are gone.