Secret Lives of Gingerbread Men is back, along with other new & old role playing greats!

In Secret Lives of Gingerbread Men, make a real-life cookie and use it as your playable character. Two sessions will be run and we need to fill out this table, so if sugar, eating, creativity and story telling are your thing, come give it a try!

There are plenty of other titles to choose from too! Come in at 10 and 2 for a different game and play all day!

Morning Sessions starting at 10AM:

-Secret Life of Gingerbread

-My Little Pony

-Shadow Dark

-Candela Obscura


Afternoon Sessions begin around 2PM

-Secret Life of Gingerbread


-Old School Essentials


-Doctor Who


Due to previous scheduling commitment, Jackals won’t be until 3pm